Slurry Seal

Slurry seal extends the service life of secondary roads.

It's been protecting America's neighborhood streets since the 1960's.

Slurry helps DOTs manage budgets.

Using it lowers maintenance costs and keeps the road healthy longer.

Slurry seal is a "cold mix" paving system.

Mixed on-site, slurry seal is applied wet, but traffic can resume within a few hours.

Slurry protects for about 7 years.

And once cured, it looks and feels like any other asphalt road.

Slurry seal is part two of this Cape Seal.

Appplied over a chip seal, it will correct many issues at a lower cost than traditional methods.

Slurry seal saves taxpayer money.

This road will last much longer because it's been protected with slurry seal.

Slurry Seal

 Extending lifespans and budgets

 Slurry seals are an extremely cost effective pavement maintenance tool that extend the service life of roads by 5 to 7 years or more. Properly designed and applied, slurry seals improve road safety by enhancing surface friction and correcting slight surface imperfections. The consistent use of slurry seals to preserve asphalt pavements has been shown to improve the overall quality of road networks without increasing budgets.

Slurry seals can be combined with other treatments to enhance performance. Crack sealing prior to the slurry seal increases road selection options and improves long-term performance. Combining with a chip seal to make a cape seal adds even more road conditions that can be addressed.


Slurry seals are ideal for:

Low-volume secondary roads

Some low-volume primary roads

Subdivision/residential roads 

Slurry seal's unique benefits are:

 Very economical

 Extends road life by 5 to 7+ years

 Enhances skid-resistance and safety


Information Sheet

Specifications - VDOT

Specifications - MDOT

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